Difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Chromosome

Chromosomes: The vehicle by which hereditary information is physically transmitted from one generation to the next; in a bacterium, the chromosome consists of a single naked circle of DNA; in eukaryotes, each chromosome consists of a single linear DNA molecules and associated proteins. Read more
Prokaryotic Chromosome vs Eukaryotic Chromosome
Prokaryotic Chromosome
 Prokaryotic Chromosome
• Found in cytoplasm.
• Circular chromosome attached to the inside of the cell membrane.
• Single chromosome plus plasmids.
• Made only of DNA.
• Copies its chromosome and divides immediately afterwards.
Eukaryotic Chromosome
Eukaryotic Chromosome
  Found in nucleus
•  Linear chromosomes
•  Many chromosomes.
•  Usually,10-50 chromosomes in somatic cells.
•  Human body cells have 46 chromosomes.
• Made of chromatin, a nucleoprotein (DNA coiled around histone proteins).
• Copies chromosomes, then the cell grows (G2 phase), then goes through mitosis to organise chromosomes in two equal groups.

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