101 Biological Science Inventions and Discoverers

101 Biological Science Inventions and Discoveries

1.       Animal Cell- Theodore Schwann

2.       Plant Cell - Robert Hook

3.       Cell Theory - Schleiden, Schwann and Virchow

4.       Bacteria – Leeuwenhoek

5.       Gram Staining - Hans C Gram

6.       Virus- Dmitri Ivanovsky

7.       Prions- Stanley B. Prusiner (Prions-Infectious proteins)

8.       AIDS virus (HIV)  – Luc Montagnier

9.       Bacteriophages  discovered  by Frederick W. Twort in (1915) & term coined by Félix d’Hérelle  (1917)

10.   Binomial Nomenclature - Carl Linnaeus

11.   Five Kingdom Classification  - Robert H Whittaker

12.   Nucleus- Robert Brown

13.   Lysosome – Christian de Duve

14.   Golgi Complex – Camillo Golgi

15.   Mitochondria – Albert von Kolliker (The mitochondria is a double-membraned cell organelle, known as the powerhouse of the cell which is present in all eukaryotic cells.It was first discovered by Albert von Kolliker in the year 1857. It was named as bioblast by Richard Altman in the year 1886. The term mitochondria was coined by Carl Benda in the year 1898.)

16.   Gene on Chromosome- Walter S Sutton & Bovery. The term gene coined by Johannsen

17.   Chromosomes-  Hofmeister

18.   Cell Division (Mitosis) -Walther Flemming  & Edward Strasburger

19.   Meiosis - Oscar Hertwig (Meiosis was discovered and described for the first time in sea urchin eggs in 1876 by the German biologist Oscar Hertwig.)

20.   DNA Structure -Watson and Crick

21.   Artificial Gene- Har Gobind Khorana

22.   Process of Photosynthesis  - Jan Ingenhousz

23.   Clavin Cycle- Melvin Calvin

24.   Cell Respiration- Adolf Krebs

25.   Antigen, Blood Group – Land Steiner

26.   Autonomic Nervous System - James Langley

27.   Blood Circulation-  William Harvey

28.   Blood Transfusion-  James Blundell

29.   Pencillin – Alexander Fleming (1928)

30.   Insulin – Banting and Best

31.   Chloroform – Harrison and Simpson

32.   DDT – Paul Muller

33.   Stethoscope - Rene Laennec

34.   Heart Transplantation – Christian Barnard

35.   Vaccination, Smallpox Vaccine – Edward Jenner

36.   Louis Pasteur -Treatment of Rabies, Cure of Hydrophobia, Pasteurization

37.   Developed one of the first successful polio vaccines (Injectable) - Jonas Edward Salk

38.   Oral Polio Vaccine– Albert Sabin

39.   X-Ray – Wilhelm Roentgen

40.   ElectroCardioGram (ECG) – Williem Einthoven

41.   Electroencephalography (EEG)  – Hans Berger

42.   PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) – Kary B Mullis

43.   Colour Blindness –John Dalton

44.   Discovered that the Malaria parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes - Ronald Ross

45.   Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran  discovered parasitic protozoans as causative agents of infectious diseases such as Malaria and Trypanosomiasis.diseases

46.   Super Bug – Anand Mohan Chakrabarty (Developed  genetically engineered bacteria (Pseudomonas, the oil eating bacteria) using plasmid transfer .)

47.   Microscope - Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek

48.   Compound Microscope  was invented by

49.   Zaccharias Janssen and Hans Janssen

50.   Electron Microscope  was invented by - Knoll and Ruska

51.   DNA Fingerprinting- Sir Alec Jeffreys

52.   RNA interference (RNAi) -Andrew Fire & Craig C. Mello

53.   ATP  Discovery -Karl Lohmann

54.   Enzyme (Zymase) - Edward Buchne

55.   The first artificial heart  Jarvik-7 - Designed by  Willem Johan Kolff and Robert Jarvik.

56.   Genetic Code -Marshall Nirenberg

57.   Six  Kingdom Classification  - Carl Woese

58.   Lamarck - Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characters (Lamarckism)

59.   Fertilization in Flowering Plants - Strasburger 

60.   Discoveries in relation to Tuberculosis Robert Koch

61.   Diphtheria Antitoxin - Emil von Behring

62.   Vitamins – Hopkins

63.   Antiseptic Surgery - Joseph Lister

64.   Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-

65.   Paul C. Lauterbur & Sir Peter Mansfield Lister

66.   IVF - Robert Edwards

67.   Chemotheraphy - Paul Ehrlich

68.   CT Scan - Godfrey Hounsfield

69.   Gene Therapy – Anderson

70.   Germ Theory of Disease - Louis Pasteur (Robert Koch isolated specific bacteria that cause TB and Cholera. He discovered the role of antibodies in immune response)

71.   Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov

72.   Principles of Law of Inheritance- Gregor Mendel Oparin and Haldane

73.    Theory of Chemical Evolution of Life -Oparin and Haldane

74.   Discovery of Streptomycin - Selman Waksman -

75.   Mutation Theory - Hugo de Vries

76.   Temin and David Baltimore - Reverse Transcription

77.   Artistole - First System of Classification of Living Things

78.   Charles Darwin - Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

79.   Barabara Maclintok - Jumping Gene in Maize

80.   First Cloned Mammal(Dolly) - Ian Wilmut

81.   August  Weismann -  Germplasm theory

82.   Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) - Osamu Shimomura

83.   First Hormone (Secretin) -Ernest Starling and William Bayliss

84.    HeLa First Immortal Cell line -George Otto Gey

85.   (Acetyl Co A) Neurotransmitter - Otto Loewi

86.   DNA  Polymerase - Arthur Kornberg (1956)

87.   First Recombinant (rDNA) molecule - Paul Berg

88.   Law of Minimum -Nitrogen as essential nutrient in Plant - Liebig

89.   The alpha helix and beta sheet in Protein Secondary Structure - Linus Pauling

90.   Discovery of Restriction Enzymes and their application in Molecular Genetics -Arber, Nathans, and Smith

91.    Theory of Chemical Evolution of Life

92.   Concept of 'Ecosystem' - A G Tansley

93.   Chromatography - Mikhail Tswett

94.   Gene Linkage - William Bateson

95.   DNA as Genetic Material - Avery–MacLeod–McCarty

96.   Central Dogma of Molecular Biology- Francis Crick

97.   Gene Reguation Mechanism  in Prokaryotes (Lac Operon) - Jacob and Monod

98.   Boveri–Sutton Chromosome Theory (Chromosome Theory of Inheritance)

99.   Dideoxy DNA Sequencing Method- Maxam–Gilbert and Sanger

100.   Addison's disease - Thomas Addison

101. Ribozyme (Catalytic RNAs)-Sidney Altman and Thomas Cech

102. Gene discovery using Express Sequence Tags (ESTs)- Craig Venter

103.  Molecular Mechanisms of Circadian Rhythm -Dr. Michael Rosbash, Dr. Jeffrey Hall,Dr. Michael Young

104. CRISPR technology - Yoshizumi Ishino 

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