How to calculate the number of different possible gametes produced by the diploid genotype AaBbCCdd? Simple Formula

 1. How many unique gametes could be produced through independent assortment by an individual with the genotype AaBbCCdd?

Possible no. of gametes= 2n  ’n’ is the no. of heterozygous gene pairs

How to calculate the number of different possible gametes are produced by the diploid genotype


No. of heterozygous gene pairs n=2

Possible no. of gametes= 2n

Answer: 2n  =22=2x2=4

You can watch this video for better understanding

2. How many different possible gametes are produced by the diploid genotype aaBbCC ?


Possible no. of gametes= 2n  ’n’ is the no. of heterozygous gene pairs

No. of heterozygous gene pairs n=1

Answer: 21  =2

3. How many different possible gametes are produced by the diploid genotype (AaBbCcDdEe)?



Answer: 2n  =25= 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32

4.For the following genotypes, How many gametes will be produced?

a) AA





Possible no. of gametes= 2n  ’n’ is the no. of heterozygous gene pairs

a) AA     2n =20 =1; the only gamete is A

b)Bb      2n =21 =2; the gametes are B and b

c)BBCc  2n =21 =2; the gametes are BC and Bc

d)cCDd 2n =22 =4; the gametes are cD,CD,Cd and Cd

Thank you so much:)


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  1. that helped a ton! Super easy equation and process my professor didn't explain.

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