GATE Life Sciences PYQ - Zoology - Animal Behavior

 1. Interpretation of behavioral data in terms of human experience is called

A) anthropocentrism

B) anthropomorphism

C) teleology

D) ethology

GATE Life Sciences PYQ - Zoology - Animal Behavior

2. Every morning a research student turns on the light in a laboratory aquarium to feed the fish. After a couple of weeks of this routine, the student noticed that the fish come to the surface to feed as soon as the lights are turned on. The behavior of the fish is a result or
A) habituation.

B) positive phototaxis

C) classical conditioning

D) imprinting

3. The behavior of young ducks following their mother is known as

The behavior of young ducks following their mother is known as imprinting

A) imprinting

B) innate behavior

C) mimicry

D) habituation

4. An animal’s ability to escape from a predator by using the explored knowledge of home are is an example of

A) latent learning

B) imprinting

C) mimicry

D) insight learning


5. A female ‘spotted sand piper’ court male repeatedly this behavior can be explained by the term

A) polyandry

B) sexual cannibalism

C) monogamy

D) human RBCs


6. Community suckling of young ones is found in
A) cats

B) dogs

C) lions

D) humans

7. Marsupials are naturally found in Australia. The hallmark of the marsupials is

A) ovo-Vivi parity

B) prolonged placental development

C) incomplete adaptive radiations

D) parturition before completion of embryonic development

8. in the fish species, where internal fertilization occurs, the parental care is provided by
A) both parents

B) father

C) neither

D) mother

9. During hibernation in a hibernating mammal, its body temperature would be
A) lower than normal state

B) higher than normal state

C) fluctuate between high and low points

D) same as normal state

10. Which combination of mechanism best explain cross continental migration of animals
A) orientation and navigation

B) orientation and piloting

C) navigation and piloting

D) orientation, navigations and piloting

Learn more : MCQ on Ethology and Animal Behavior 


1. D) ethology

2. C) classical conditioning

3. A) imprinting

4. A) latent learning

5. A) polyandry

6. B) dogs

7. D) parturition before completion of embryonic development

8. B) father

9. A) lower than normal state

10. D) orientation, navigations and piloting

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