GATE Previous Questions and Answers on Food Technology

1. Which of the following is not true in case of oxidative rancidity of fatty foods?

A) Concentrated source of energy

B) Transport of oxygen to various organs

C)Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins

D) synthesis of cell membrane and hormones

GATE Previous Questions and Answers on Food Technology

2. Cellulose, the structural polysaccharide of plant, is a polymer of

A) beta d glucose

B) alpha d glucose

C) beta d  glucose

D)alpha d galacturonic acid


3. Kwashiorkor disease is caused due to the deficiency of

A) lysine

B) unsaturated fatty acids

C) vitamin K



4. The weight gain per gram protein consumed is called.

A) Net Protein Ratio (NPR)

B) Biological Value (BV)

C) Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)

D)Chemical Score (CS)


5. Indicate the correct group that contains a monosaccharide, a disaccharide and trisacchride.

A) Glucose, Sucrose, Mannose

B) Ribose, Lactose, Raffinose

C) Mannose, Maltose, Lactose

D) Raffinose, Stachyose, Glucose


6.Bread staling is caused by

A) Caramelization

B) Retrogradation

C) Gelatinization

D) Aggregation B


7. To produce Blue veined cheese, the curd is inoculated with strains of

A) Propionibacterium shermanii

B) Pencillium camemberti

C)Brevibacterium linens

D)Pencillium roqueforti


8. In which of the following product ‘must’ is used as the substrate for fermentation.

A) Beer

B) Wine

C) Idli

D) Tempeh


9. Identify the food borne illness which is not caused bacteria.

A) Botulism

B) Listeriosis

C) Vibriosis

D) Cysticercosis


10. During extrusion cooking, food materials are generally subjected to a combination of

A) high shear and low pressure

B) high temperature and high shear

C) low shar and high temperature

D) low shear and low pressure

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1. B) Transport of oxygen to various organs

2. A) beta d glucose

3. D)protein

4. C) Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)

5. B) Ribose, Lactose, Raffinose

6. B) Retrogradation

7. D)Penicillium roqueforti

8. B) Wine

9. D) Cysticercosis

10. B) high temperature and high shear

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