What does bivalent or tetrad mean?

Bi-valent is a term that is used to refer two homologous chromosomes at prophase I of meiosis specifically the zygotene and pachytene stages. A chromosome pair consists of 4 chromatids are called bivalents. In this stage recombination takes place between homologous chromosomes.


Each bivalent consists of 4 chromatids and 2 centromeres and is also called as tetrad.

The number of chromosome = The number of centromeres.

Here two centromeres, therefore 2 chromosomes. Each chromosome with 2 chromatids each. In total 4 chromatids, therefore also called as tetrad.

The number of DNA molecule = Count the number of chromatids.

The process of crossing over takes place during this bi valent stage. Crossing over is the exchange of segments between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes during pachytene stage of prophase I of meiosis I. This process is the major reason for genetic variation between individuals in a population.


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  1. Thank you so much for this ☺

  2. Got my concepts clarified☺

  3. Thank you that was very heplful.Keep up the good job 🖒.

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