Part B CSIR UGC Life Sciences Questions and Answers June 2014

1. The dye used in Gram staining is
a) Giesma
b) Methylene blue
c) Giesma
d) Crystal violet

2. A bioinformatics tool used to find the sequence similarity in the subunit of hemoglobin is

3. Electron microscopes have much higher resolution than the type of light microscope because
a) of their higher magnification
b) of very short wave length of electrons
c) the lenses used are of much higher quality
d) the images are viewed on screen rather than directly using an eye piece or ocular lens

4. Which one of the following is a type of intercellular junction in animal cells?
a) Middle lamella
b) Desmosomes
c) Glycocalyx
d) Plasmodesmata

5. Ethylene signalling pathway is important for a fruit ripening. Which one of the following responses is routinely used to identify ethylene signalling pathway components?
a)Triple response
b) flowering time response
c) lateral root formation response
d)cotyledon expansion response

6. Which one of the following molecular marker types uses combination of both restriction enzyme and PCR techniques?

7.During the operation of C2 oxidative photosynthetic cycle, which of the following metabolites is transported from chloroplast to peroxisome?

8. The long feather train of a peacock is quoted as an example supporting
The handicap principle
a) Hamilton’s rule
b) Zahavi’s handicap principle
c) The Red Queen hypothesis
d) Haldane’s rule

9. Which of the following is a correct hierarchical sequence for classification of living organisms?
a) Domain – Kingdom-Phylum – Class- Order – Family – Genus - Species
b) Kingdom- Domain – Phylum – Class- Order – Family – Genus - Species
c) Domain – Kingdom-Phylum – Order – Class- Family – Genus - Species
d) Kingdom- Domain – Phylum –Order – Class- Family – Genus – Species

10. A black Labrador homozygous for the dominant alleles (BBEE) is crossed with a yellow Labrador homozygous for the recessive alleles (bbee). On intercrossing the F1, the F2 progeny was obtained in the following ratio : 9 black : 3 brown: 4 yellow. This is an example of
a) recessive epistasis where allele e is epiststic to B and b
b) Recessive epistasis where allele e is epiststic to e and E
c) Dominant epistasis where allele E is epistatsic to B and b
d)complementary epistasis where allele b is epistastic .
Learn more:
1. d) Crystal violet Refer: Gram staining Principle
2. c)BLAST Refer: Bioinformatics MCQ Quiz
3. b) of very short wave length of electrons Refer: Electron microscope vs Light Microscope
4. b)Desmosomes Refer: An overview of Intercellular junction
5. a)Triple response Refer: Major functions of Ethylene
6. b)AFLP
7. c)Glycolate Refer : C2 cycle pathway
8. b) Zahavi’s handicap principle
  • Zahavi's handicap principle is an argument for sexual selection in which the costliness of the male character, such as a peacock's tail for example, is positively useful to the female. The argument, originally suggested by the biologist Amotz Zahavi.
9. a) Domain – Kingdom-Phylum – Class- Order – Family – Genus - Species
10. a) recessive epistasis where allele e is epiststic to B and b
Refer: Example of Epistasis : Dominanat and Receessive Epistasis

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